The task was to implement a high-end ultrapure water plant for the treatment of well water for a well-known semiconductor manufacturer in Central Europe.
High-End UPW Plant for the Semi-Conductor Industry
Developed Solution
The planned cold loop capacity is 300 m³/h, expandable to 450 m³/h, the planned HOT loop capacity is 75 m³/h, expandable to 150 m³/h.
Applied process combination
The greatest technical challenge in this project was not the process technology as such, since the plant is designed in a technology that H+E has mastered for years. Special about this project was implementing a plant with this capacity in the given space and in a relatively short project timeline.
Opening a large construction site at the beginning of the Corona pandemic in spring 2020 was a challenge all of its own.
During the construction phase, it was particularly demanding to install prefabricated 75 m³ containers in a very confined space and under high time pressure, while at the same time managing the coordination with other trades that had to be constructed at the same time. This required very tight project management.
The given water specifications were achieved, individual values were exceeded and are reliably achieved in continuous operation.
Facts & Figures
- Resistance: > 18.1 MOhm x cm at 25 °C
- TOC: < 1.0 ppb
- Metal ions: < 5 ppt
- Boron: < 50 ppt
- Loop efficiency: 300 m³/h, consumption: 200 m³/h
- HOT DI system 70 °C: capacity 80 m³/h