Industrial water and wastewater treatment plants
Water is our most precious resource. And that is exactly how we treat it.
Water is our most precious resource. And that is exactly how we treat it.
H+E has joined Gradiant, creating a leader in water solutions for the global semiconductor and industrial water market. Our differentiated technologies enable game-changing performance for the world’s essential industries.
Hager & Elsässer
The H+E Group is one of the leading international companies in the field of industrial water treatment. With our more than 90 years of experience and around 30,000 realised and turnkey plants, we develop the best technical and economic solutions.
From February 11 to 13, H+E will be at E-World energy & water 2025 in Essen – with a clear focus on Green Hydrogen!
Do you have questions about us, our technologies or applications?
Water and waste water treatment
With our plants you can implement the highest standards of water quality. This is guaranteed by the in-depth expertise of our engineers. For every project worldwide.
Whether for water treatment, waste water treatment or water circulation management – with our applications, all waters can be treated to the required quality. Our goal is to recover as much water as possible for reuse and thereby minimise the volume of waste.
When developing our plants, we rely on most proven process technologies. This is how the H+E Group ensures that you receive the best solution to meet your specific requirements.
Depending on the task and industry, we combine different technologies: thermal and chemical-physical technologies, aerobic and anaerobic as well as membrane filtration technologies. Furthermore, H+E offers you the world’s most economical zero liquid discharge solution.
InfraLeuna GmbH and its associated companies are the owners and operators of the infrastructure facilities at Leuna, a chemical site rich in tradition. InfraLeuna GmbH pursues the goal of shaping and developing the framework conditions for the production operations of its customers at the site. This involves the supply of necessary media such as energy and water, disposal through the central wastewater treatment plant and analytical services in its modern laboratory.
The task was to implement a high-end ultrapure water plant for the treatment of well water for a well-known semiconductor manufacturer in Central Europe.
In 2020, AS Estonian Cell was declared the winner of the competition ”Environmentally Friendly Company of the Year in Estonia“. With H+E components Estonian Cell came a significant step closer to its goal of becoming the best producer of pulp in the world.
A high-pressure high-efficiency produced water treatment system of Petronas an Sapura Energy designed to meet strict overboard discharge limits while accommodating onerous space and weight constraints imposed by offshore design requirements.
For an oil rig, Ørsted needed a treatment plant for treating oily water from various sources. Ørsted, Denmark, is the world market leader in offshore wind energy and offers innovative energy solutions for public utilities and industry.
For an oil rig, Ørsted needed an oily water treatment plant to treat water from various sources to remove oil down to <10 mg/l and 95% of solids >100 μm, making the water suitable for discharge into the sea. This application was a particular challenge due to the small droplet diameters and emulsified oils from the various sources. H+E met the challenge by providing their coalescer design with a solids removal system upstream of the coalescer technology.
MD Papier GmbH, which belongs to the UPM Group, is one of Germany’s largest manufacturers of high-quality magazine papers. Due to a shift of production to higher-grade and higher bleached products, the percentage of persistent, non-biodegradable wastewater constituents has increased.